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SKU: 671253175371
CHF100.00 Regular Price
CHF95.00Sale Price
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Address: Rue Centrale 21, 1110 Morges

Contact: 077 509 29 96


Opening hours: Mon-Fri - 9:00am - 9:00pm,

Sat 9:00am - 4:00pm

Meditation does not replace any medical treatment, it enhances a holistic approach to living healthily. The Association Méditation Suisse Romande and its team are not medical graduates, do not make any diagnoses, do not prescribe any medication for anything, do not treat or cure anything medical. Meditation should not be used as a substitute for medical care or your doctor's recommendations. For any illness or discomfort, please contact a doctor. Méditation Suisse Romande is a non-profit association.

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